Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Custom Homes Built for Health

If you are going to build a custom home, why not build it for health? Here is a great book that tells you how to build a house with environmental health in mind. Most homes are built in such a way as to cause health issues.

 A valuable resource full of pictures, building illustrations, and environmental research data for anyone who wants to design and build a healthy home, office or creative work space. Contains research data, medical treatment, and building experience conducted by Dr. William J. Rea and his patients over the last 30 years at the medical treatment facility - Environmental Health Center-Dallas, Texas. Chapters include information and building guidance for: identification of less polluted materials; outdoor air/ location; foundation and basement; exterior, framing, roofing, insulation and electrical wiring; garages, outside storage rooms, and workshops; light and color; thermal comfort; indoor air quality and air pollution; interior construction; heating, cooling and ventilation; water; sauna, physical therapy and massage; and a homebuyers/renters checklist.

Found on http://www.aehf.com/Books/Optimum-Environments-for-Optimum-Health-and-Creativity-Dr-William-Rea.html